
States' dismantling

The United States' dismantling to solve the last Cold War giant pit to play American solider's real strenght don't weaken
The last the United States pit with biggest power plays-the power ratio throw the pit of wide island to play several strong hundredfolds-have already been dismantled a solution after undergoing military service near half century.This pit plays to equip during the peak period of Cold War.

The B53 pitses play of last a criticize zero partses Be reigned to on the 25th Mali Luo Pan of the neighborhood especially the gram Si factory tore down.Pan especially the gram Si factory is American only nuclear weapon machine construction with Microsoft wireless dismantle to unload factory.Energy department nation checks safe administrations to say, should tore down a plan to suggest the year before completion, it is consistent to expect the target of the reduction nuclear weapon machine amount of President horse with Ao.

The nation checks a safe bureau chief of the administration to give Ma Si ·reach the Ge Si Di promise to call this pit plays of tore down is "important milestone".

B53 devotions undergo military service is in 1962, at that time just when Cuban guided missile crisis, Cold War unprecedented strain.B53 head is as equal as small scaled trucks.American scientist's uniting will say, this pit plays of the power are 600 times that of the atomic bomb that two post-war periods throw wide island in Japan.USB keyboard mouse The design original intention of B53 destroys to deeply cover up underground facilities and carries the tool as bombers B-52s.

The 80's in 20th century has already dismantled to solve many B53 pitses play, however, still reserve in the weapon database of the United States for count not a few B53 pitses play, until these storage pits play to back service in 1997.Pan especially gram the Si factory speech personality thunder space ·hole rather Anne say, he can not reveal this to be located on gram Sa Si state of the factory have already dismantled to solve how much this kind of pit play.

After about 300 pounds of high explosives separate with special pit material, the pit plays and then is seen to unload to complete for dismantling.Hole rather Anne say, Pan especially the gram Si factory dismantled to unload from the bomb of the pit material will be at the time deposited.States reaches Then carry on a processing, including decontamination, recall exploitation and treatment to the material and the parts.The nation checks a safe administration last autumn declare from get gram Sa Si state this factory undertake the dismantling of B53 solving.

Continuously back service along with the old style weapon in the American nuclear weapon database, this factory will undertake an important task in the similar item.

Power big precise degree Gao

【British broadcasting company website October is 25 】 :Beautiful the period giant pit dismantling to solve the last Cold War play

American dismantle to solve on Tuesday(on the 25th) the last Cold War B53 pitses of the period play-the power in the American nuclear weapon database is the biggest of weapon.

The B53 pitses in the United Stateses play as heavy as 4.5 tons and grow 3.8 meters, the diameter is about 1.3 meters.The B53 pitses play to be mainly used for destroying the enemy underground facilities.

According to the report way, American May, 2010 of Ministry of National Defense first time formally discloses its nuclear weapon machine amount and calls to close September 30, 2009,manage a global forum the American nuclear weapon database has 5113 nuclear warheads and several thousand wait for dismantling solution of back service nuclear weapon machine.This number half has been being seen as the high secret of the United States over several centuries.


