
through a statement

How to stir-fry to make money through a statement
"The financial report is like an underwear and stir-fries not to see a financial report and goes to streaking like a person."-Classroom up, expert like this the language is astonishing.But the spot of the miniature survey result is equally astonishing:About 7-80% of the people is still in "streaking"!So, financial report this"underwear" how "wear" like?How does the people make use of the financial report little lose of capital and much make money?The Nanking finance and economics university accountancy's college vice- director Li Lian Jun teaches, Chen Rong and remaining Shu Feng the associate professor and well-known coupon company invest manager'secosystem green clock the river answered people's four greatest questions.

The investment sees what index sign over a long period of time

See the clean property rate of return hold to increase for 18 years 50000%

"Understand financial report not on the first of achievement, but if is that how should the contents that thinks that the in a short time comprehends to arrive most core do?""The balance sheet, income statement and cash discharge table three table none of 1 abilities are little, but if does show you an index sign to see what?"On Saturday lecture hall up, don't stop a people poses a "hurriedly" type problem like this.

To this, accountancy's college vice- director Li Lian Jun professor answered, "see clean property rate of return".He explained, this because clean property rate of return is come to a decision a most keeping of the stock investment rate of return view and most core of index sign.For example say one of the first ten greatest shareholders of ten thousand sections Liu dollar living-expect a thin special price value investment in the Chinese capital market of man of active,reform it I see hold ten thousand till 2010 section 18 years 4,000,000 become 2,769,000,000 dollars, invest to increase 50000%, increase exceed expect thin especially.

Li Lian Jun thinks that the people wants to want to invest to obtain income over a long period of time, will hold a high-quality over a long period of time, the so clean property rate of return is most a core index sign.

How to judge statement to manipulate?

A formula can consider feeling to according to an usage

When the peoples ask, the finance concocts now, accountancy's manipulating falsely a circumstance of increasing the profits isn't a few, how should distinguish, the remaining Shu Feng associate professor shared personal insight and research.He thinks that compare but talk, the liabilities of balance sheet's comparing a property is getting trueer, because once the listed company carries on profits to manipulate, 90% then has something to do with property, only 10% is or so to involve a liabilities.He introduces, if conducts the cash clean discharge compared with"business profits- investment income+ increment of preparing and accepting Zhang style(if decrease is meant with the minus quantity, bottom together)+ increment of should pay a bill- augmentative accounts receivable- increment of preparing and paying a bill payment+ augmentative total amount depreciation(note)- finance expenses", it is more big to conduct the cash clean discharge, the accountancy manipulates statement mental reservation the profits contain more great possibility, whereas, accountancy's manipulating falsely a possibility of increasing the profits is more big.He still shared a personal regulation of summary:Generally speaking,(prepare to accept a Zhang style+accounts payable) the business enterprise being bigger than(accounts receivable+prepare to pay a bill a payment) is placed in a pre-eminent market position.But owe debt lower for the company of ST clan much easier than reorganization.

How to pass the statement little lose of capital?

Heel breeze Wang Ya3 Wei guards against "time is bad"

"10 peoples stir-fry, probably 7 Kuis, 2s are even, 1 earns.That wants to do first to majority of peoples of is little lose of capital,nourishment of egg how make use of a financial report to attain this?"On Saturday lecture hall up, the excellent graduate student representative of the south wealth big accountancy's college, once at finish Ma Wei inauguration, is a clock that the well-known coupon business opportunities reaches to invest a manager now the river, shared personal fulfillment experience.He thinks having at 2:00 mistake area to have to be specially evadable.

First, don't excessively think greatly of a time benefit well or the benefit is empty.For example, the some company won a big contract, the stock price then soars, while everyone forgot to ask this contract of of real advantage and long term can keep on sex, because these a time benefit well or the benefit is by the root empty to change the basic situation of company.Think greatly of a person's effect too much secondly.For example a lot of peoples likes the fund the manager holds Cang and chooses with breeze star, but actually statement from announce, the people goes into city again, will exist "time bad".With the silver pigeon invests(600096) for example, 2010 in annual reports have no China fasten a fund, express that ex- Wang Ya3 Wei of December 31 doesn't get involved.But 2011 one beginning of the month that has no obvious change in the basic situation under negative the city soar, 10 day inside connect pull 5 limit up.Till April 23 when the quarterly degree report announces rise already 125%!It undoubtedly is the black horse in the minority.And the China big dish also impressively appear at 10 greatly circulate in.However the result of retail and breeze is a set in the summit of hill at this time-that is announcing a quarter to report to soon take a sudden turn and develop rapidly.So has Wang Ya3 Wei exactly already walked?Answer only half year report to just know.Wait until to announce half year to report on August 25, the big dish is carefully selected already not at ten greatly circulate in, that declines at this time 40%!So, "star fund the manager ordered to do short line while trampling, the far from common retail mimicry musted ascend."


