
bags stuffed bun

Device for ultra-thin bags stuffed bun
" You see my bag is so white, with absolutely no problem to eat", the Lake Street on a pizza shop owner said, only to be riotous with colour bag is toxic. The reporter sees, the boss of this white bag is very thin, uneven staining, there are white spot distribution, feels a little rough.plastic bags

Then, the ultra-thin plastic bags from which to buy? Lake farms the greengrocer said, every day there are people at the market to sell," a bag just pennies"," wholesale market can also buy, cheaper".

Wholesale market
Environmental protection bag 4 cents a slim pouch 4 cents

Subsequently, the reporter in Nanjing road in the vicinity of a large wholesale market, find four or five specialized wholesale plastic bags shop.

The reporter sees, with QS signs formal green plastic bags, appearance with a pale white or transparent, in the price of 4 cents or so a; ultra-thin bags are bright many, a bundle of 100 as long as 4 yuan. " Take more, can be 3 dollars 1 bundle", on average only 3 cents a bag.costume jewelry

The reporter opens a bundle of ultra-thin plastic bags, plastic bag with hand in hand, touched, and got some of the powdered material.

" This bag can be a bun?" The reporter pretends to open the baozi restaurant. " Buy a white a bit better", the boss did not answer to the reporter" safe" problem, just say" white looks clean".


