
organization leadersed

"Base" organization leadersed to be once responsible for protecting to pull to ascend at the time
Field officer of Egyptian special forces, join "base" organization to follow to pull to ascend behind.Organize No.2 with"base" the person tie the tile is rare in is a person of hometown.Charitable organizations

According to Arabian medium 18, is the terrible tycoon originally?Pull to ascend after being shoot~deaed by the American solider at the beginning of this month, has "base"'s organizing already recommended the Egyptian Sa Yi man recently?The virtuous Er serve as "base" organization to leader at the time.

The terrorist in the Egyptian birth report way the words that quote a hidden news source say, Sa Yi man?Have the virtuous Er already become the new head of group of "base" organization to fill up an origin?Pull to ascend is after shoot~deading"base" organized the vacuum of high leadership by the American solider.On top of that, "base" organization appoints person Mu Si tower method in Yemen as"military adviser" and is responsible for planning a concrete terrible activity.gold jewelry week

Because that medium and Afghanistan and Pakistan the military is armed to have opposite and multifarious association, that medium are also one of the main pathses that"base"s organizations outward release news in the meantime, therefore outside think, this credibility is higher.

The virtuous Er is a not well-known terrorist, some analysts think, the virtuous Er lack to pull to ascend of authority and magic power, consequently very difficult many.

In addition, it is rare to tie tile in have been being thought is the No.2 that"base" organizes person and pull to ascend of"intimate war ally", firm tile rare inside the accident fail to be elected to let analysis personage to feel surprised.The Di does obeisance an analyst west is the Ao many?The card pulled a Si section to say and tied tile to hope inside although the reputation is big,surround his controversy also biggest.Virtuous Er probably isn't is paid attention to most of inherit a person, but is "base" to organize each the person that the parties can temporarily accept currently.Conservation Union

The analyst thinks, because of virtuous Er and firm tile rare in be the same as Egyptian, this time"base" organizes ordination virtuous Er in order to leader at the time, very may be at for firm tile rare in the mountain lapidating ask the way and sound out once and organize "base" Arabian Peninsula branch outside of person ordination is leader, "base" organization inner part of reaction.


